Who can qualify for a free croquet set and instruction?

An application may be submitted by any organization or entity interested in establishing a croquet group at their school, church, after school program, community center, city center, township, etc. We are in the process of establishing our program criteria and program structure, but would love to make contact with you today.

How do I start a croquet club or group?

All you need is access to a flat pitch of grass, a croquet set, and some friends, A croquet club thrives with a built-in audience. Lawns or fields that are adjacent to churches, schools, and parks with regular visitors are ideal.

Is there a national croquet league or association?

Yes, tournament play is through the USCA.

Does playing croquet damage a lawn or sport field?

Aside from the placement of the wickets and stake, croquet is extremely low impact on a sports field or lawn. Players walk through the court tapping the balls through the inserted hoops. Equipment (wickets and stake) are easily installed and removed. There are no divots left from play.

Why is our organization focused on Golf Croquet?

“Golf Croquet” is a proven entry point into the game of croquet due to its simplicity, accessibility, brevity, and ability to engage the most amount of players. Being very easy to teach, we think Golf Croquet has the greatest potential to spread to the largest audience. No longer merely just an entry point, Golf Croquet has evolved from a novelty game and is now taken as seriously as the other croquet games and even has its own tournament circuit. Established croquet players and clubs are recognizing Golf Croquet as the best path to attracting younger players to the sport.

What do I need to be able to play Golf Croquet?

Equipment required:

Croquet Set: four mallets, four balls, six wickets, one center stake. At least 2 players. Contact us to see if you qualify to get equipment from us for FREE.

Field/lawn/court size (recommended):

105' by 84' (35 yards by 28 yards) or scaled down to 50' x 40'. Or use these ratios to scale a court based on whatever area you have to work with.

How can a player become eligible for USCA Golf Croquet tournaments?

Step One is to join the USCA.

The full scope of benefits can be found here.

Chief amongst these benefits are eligibility in sanctioned tournaments. Ask us about qualifications of having your membership into the USCA sponsored by PlayCroquet.org

Step Two is to set your initial handicap score, so that you are placed in the appropriate flight.

The test for new croquet players is known as the Three Times Round test. It is a SELF TEST, meaning you can do this by yourself.


The player starts from the standard start position (corner 4) and counts the number of strokes required to run hoops 1 through 6. Run this exercise three times, and add up all of your strokes. Use the chart to convert the aggregate number of strokes taken for the three exercises into an initial handicap.

How is PlayCroquet.org funded?

As a 501c3 (status pending) nonprofit, our goal is to rely on contributions and support from individual croquet enthusiasts and croquet gear suppliers, plus proceeds from fundraising events and campaigns.